Homeowner Takes Control: Ingenious Solution to Tourists Blocking Driveway for Hours

Homeowner Takes Control: Ingenious Solution to Tourists Blocking Driveway for Hours

## Homeowner Gets the Last Laugh by Parking Behind Tourists Who Keep Blocking Their Driveway *Source: [Bored Panda](https://www.boredpanda.com/home-owner-revenge-private-parking/)* ### The Problem of Ignored Private Driveway Signs - A homeowner, frustrated by tourists frequently parking in his private driveway despite multiple "Private Parking" signs, decided enough was enough. - Tourists often used the driveway as a public space, disregarding the signs entirely, leading to repeated conflicts. ### The Ingenious Revenge Plan - To address this ongoing issue, the homeowner devised a clever strategy: - **Blocking Cars:** He parked his vehicle directly behind the offending cars, effectively trapping them. - **Pretense of Being Away:** When confronted, he pretended he was on a "business trip," which delayed their escape further. ### The Outcome - Tourists were left stranded, with no choice but to wait or call a taxi, which cost one individual approximately $150. - While they were inconvenienced, the homeowner enjoyed a leisurely evening, including dinner and watching "Game of Thrones." ### Reactions from the Online Community - The story gained traction online, with many users finding humor in the homeowner's actions. - Some voiced concerns over privacy, expressing unease about how tourists obtained his contact information through vehicle registration. - There were suggestions for towing vehicles instead, pointing out that the towing fees in Norway can be quite steep. ### Conclusion - The homeowner's tactic not only provided immediate satisfaction but also highlighted the need for respectful use of private property. - This incident illustrates how creative solutions can be both humorous and effective in dealing with inconsiderate behavior.