"Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Successfully Compromise Cryptographic Algorithms with Advanced Quantum Computer"

"Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Successfully Compromise Cryptographic Algorithms with Advanced Quantum Computer"

Scientists Breach Cryptographic Algorithms with Quantum Computer

Source: Cointelegraph

Introduction to the Breakthrough

Chinese researchers from Shanghai University have reportedly breached encryption algorithms commonly used in banking and cryptocurrency. This significant breakthrough marks the first demonstration of a quantum computer posing a substantial threat to encryption systems.

Key Findings

  • Researchers used a quantum computer from D-Wave Systems, employing a technique called quantum annealing.
  • Algorithms targeted included Present, Gift-64, and Rectangle, which form the basis for the Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) structure integral to advanced encryption standards (AES) used for cryptocurrency wallets.
  • Despite AES-256 being a highly secure standard, this development raises alarms regarding potential vulnerabilities to quantum computing.

Implications for Cryptography

Conventional cryptographic algorithms may soon become obsolete due to advancements in quantum computing. The research highlighted how quantum tunneling allows quantum computers to find optimal solutions efficiently, which could severely undermine existing password protections.

Limitations of Current Quantum Attacks

  • Environmental and hardware constraints currently limit the scope of full-scale quantum hacks.
  • No specific passcodes were discovered during the experiments, although the findings demonstrate significant progress over previous attempts.
  • Future developments could expose further vulnerabilities in widely-used cryptographic systems.

Future Mitigations

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has proposed measures to counteract potential quantum threats. He suggested that a hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain could serve as a mitigation strategy, enabling users to update wallets while minimizing the risk of losing funds.

Concrete Steps Suggested

  • A hard fork would involve creating new wallet software, which users would need to download.
  • The necessary infrastructure to implement these changes could theoretically be developed swiftly.


The advancement in quantum computing and its implications for encryption necessitate urgent discussions within the crypto community. As researchers continue to explore this frontier, proactive measures like those proposed by Vitalik Buterin are crucial to safeguard the integrity of digital assets.